Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Join Us - SPJ Region 4 Conference in Cleveland on April 4 & 5


Google tools added to SPJ Region 4 Conference 

Note: To download a PDF (with clickable links) of this conference flyer, click here.

A popular new workshop, from 3-4 p.m. on Friday, April 4, has been added to the SPJ Region 4 Conference schedule in Cleveland.

Google offers many free and valuable tools for journalists. This training can help you build interactive charts, maps, visualizations and more. This is a hands-on workshop, so be sure to bring your laptop and smartphone. 

SPJ and Google are partners in providing this training to journalists who want to apply the tools in their news gathering, reporting, and storytelling. The program has reached tens of thousands of journalists.

Our trainer is Samantha Sunne, a New Orleans-based freelance journalist, teacher and writer. She specializes in data and investigative reporting and has written a book about data reporting. Read more about Sunne here.

The class will be held at the Levin College of Public Affairs and Education on the campus of Cleveland State University, 1717 Euclid Ave.

Reception and networking event
After the workshop, it’s a short walk to hotels and the 5-7:30 p.m. opening reception and networking event in the newsroom of the award-winning Ideastream Public Media,1375 Euclid Ave., in the historic Playhouse Square district.

Registration: Click here
The rates are:

  • Student SPJ member - $55
  • Student non-SPJ member - $65 
  • Professional SPJ member - $85
  • Professional non-SPJ member - $150 

Staying overnight? 
Call the Comfort Inn Downtown, 1800 Euclid Ave., 216-861-0001 and request the special CSU rate. Or, check out the Crowne Plaza Cleveland at Playhouse Square, 1260 Euclid Ave. Call 216-615-3368 and request the special CSU rate.

Arriving early or staying in town after the conference? 
Check out the Destination Cleveland website for things to see and do in Cleveland.

Breakout sessions, keynote speaker and MOE awards 

On Saturday, April 5, all events are hosted at CSU’s Levin College of Public Affairs and Education, 1717 Euclid Ave. Enjoy a daylong series of breakout sessions, lunch with keynote speaker Terry Pluto, and the Mark of Excellence Awards celebration to salute exceptional college journalists.

Student bonus

Give your career a boost! Bring your resume for professional feedback. Network with journalists from Ohio, Michigan, Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia. The conference is open to all.

Need more information?
Check out the conference website, or send an email here.

We thank our sponsors for their generous support!

Join us for the 2025 SPJ Region 4 Conference

Reconnect with colleagues and attend cutting-edge panel discussions that cover a variety of topics -- from the latest technology and tools for journalists and working in a newsroom today to sharpening your skills, and more.


Hi Friends,
I encourage you to connect with friends and colleges at the SPJ Region 4 Conference April 4-5. The event is co-sponsored by SPJ Cleveland and the Levin College of Public Affairs and Education at Cleveland State University.

You can register here. The student rate is $55 for SPJ members and $65 for non-members. The rate for professionals is $85 for members and $150 for non-members

Participate in innovative panel discussions that cover a variety of topics—from the latest technology and tools for journalists to working in a newsroom today, and more.

We begin on Friday evening with an opening reception and networking event in the newsroom of the award-winning Ideastream Public Media, 1375 Euclid Ave., in Cleveland’s historic Playhouse Square district.

On Saturday, all events are at Levin College of Public Affairs and Education at Cleveland State University, Glickman-Miller Hall, 1717 Euclid Ave. Enjoy a daylong series of breakout sessions, lunch, a keynote speaker and the Mark of Excellence Awards celebration to salute exceptional college journalists. College journalists, bring your resume for professional feedback.

Staying overnight? Call the Comfort Inn Downtown, 1800 Euclid Ave., at 216-861-0001, and request the special Cleveland State University (CSU) rate.

For the Crowne Plaza Cleveland at Playhouse Square, 1260 Euclid Ave., call 216-615-3368 and request the special CSU rate. 

SPJ’s Region 4 includes Ohio, Michigan, Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia. The conference is open to SPJ members and nonmembers. To join SPJ, click here. 

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Ginny McCabe
President of the Greater Cincinnati Pro Chapter & Region 4 Coordinator 


2 p.m. | Registration opens

Location: Cleveland State University Levin College

3-4 p.m. | Google Tools workshop

Learn about the free Google tools that can help you build interactive charts, maps, visualizations and more. This is a hands-on workshop, so be sure to bring your laptop and smartphone.

SPJ and Google have continued to provide this training to journalists who want to apply these tools in their news gathering, reporting and storytelling. The program has reached tens of thousands of journalists. Our trainer is Samantha Sunne.

Location: Cleveland State University

5-7:30 p.m. | Opening reception

Location: Ideastream Public Media Levin College

> Introduction to Ideastream
> Ideastream facility tour
> Tour of Cleveland State University’s film studio
> Refreshments provided by Ideastream


All activities at Cleveland State University Levin College unless otherwise noted.

7:30 P.M. | Registration opens

8:30-9:15 a.m. | Continental breakfast

8:45-9:15 a.m. | Henry Gomez

Henry Gomez senior national political reporter at NBC News.

9:15-9:30 a.m. | Welcome and opening remarks

> Cheryl D’Mello, president, Cleveland Pro Chapter, SPJ
> Ginny McCabe, SPJ Region 4 coordinator and president, Cincinnati Pro Chapter, SPJ
> Caroline Hendrie, executive director and Emily Bloch, president, national SPJ

All day | Resume doctors

The doctors: Marty Fischoff and Walter Middlebrook

9:30-10:15 a.m. | Concurrent Sessions 1

> The Good and the Ugly about AI in the Newsroom
Presenters: John Jircik and Maurice  Emelu 

> Emergence of the New Media
Presenters: Mark Puente, The Marshall Project; and Chris Mosby, The Land

> Engaged Journalism and Covering Gun Violence
Presenter: Ideastream

10:30-11:15 a.m. | Concurrent Sessions 2

> Reporting on Politics
Presenter: Henry Gomez, senior national political reporter for NBC News

> Student-Led Reporting
Presenters: Michigan State University students Jack Armstrong and Chloe Trofatter, who have been working on investigative journalism through the nonprofit Eye On Michigan

> Increasing Online Visibility
Presenters: Angela Gartner, editor, Northeast Ohio Parent magazine and education journalist at Cleveland State University

11:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. | Concurrent Sessions 3

> Freelancing Opportunities and Pitching Story Ideas
Presenters: Angela Gartner, editor, Northeast Ohio Parent magazine; Dillon Stewart, Cleveland Magazine; and freelance writers Bob Sandrick, Dave Campbell, and Ginny McCabe

> Front Page to Book Jacket Cover: Tips for Using Journalism Skills to Write Fiction and Nonfiction Books
Presenters: Cliff Anthony, Marc Bona, Deanna Adams and Pete Chakarian

> Tips for Overcoming Newsroom Jitters
Presenters: Walter Middlebrook, journalist and professor of practice at Penn State University’s Bellisario Media Center; and Patti Newberry, The Cincinnati Enquirer

12:30-2 p.m. | Lunch and keynote speaker Terry Pluto

Pluto is a sportswriter and columnist at Cleveland.com and the author of more than 30 books

2:15-3 p.m. | Concurrent Sessions 4

> How to Use Journalism Skills in Life
Panelists: Kaye Spector, director of content marketing, Geisinger Health; Ben Holbert III, mayor, Village of Woodmere, Ohio | Moderator: Tom Moore

> Podcasting
Presenters: ML Elrick, veteran podcaster, Soul of Detroit; and Sarah Leach, podcaster and founder of Ottawa News Network, West Michigan

> Meteorology as News
Presenter: Mark Johnson, chief meteorologist, WEWS TV-5

3:30-4:30 p.m. | Mark of Excellence Awards Celebration

Final schedule is subject to change.

To register, click here.

Ohio's Best Journalism Contest 2025
Deadline for Entries April 7
Many thanks to those who have submitted or are in the process of submitting. It’s great to see so many submissions under way – and to see entries from so many new media outlets and individuals. We appreciate your support.

SPJ’s annual statewide contest is presented collaboratively by the Cincinnati, Columbus and Cleveland Pro Chapters of The Society of Professional Journalists and honors print, broadcast, digital, trade, freelance and college journalists in Ohio for their best work during 2024.

Your submissions support student journalism scholarship programs (high school and college) at the Cincinnati, Cleveland and Columbus pro SPJ chapters, as well as help us provide programming for students and professional journalists throughout the state. We're also continuing to evolve to accommodate changes in our profession, especially recognizing the work of free-lance journalists.

The contest is the only statewide competition that honors journalists who fulfill the SPJ mission: defense of the First Amendment, support of literacy, resistance to censorship, advocacy for openness of public records and meetings, media self-criticism and community service. Our contest also recognizes the best college newspaper in the state and provides multiple categories for college students

Thanks again for sharing your work and helping to make Ohio a great state for journalism!

Ready to submit? If you already have submitted in the past, please use the same login information. Please visit our competition website for a list of categories and other contest information (winners’ list from 2024, videos of some of our best of show winners and 2024 contest booklet).

All websites and links for digital submissions must remain active throughout 2025.

Monday, March 24, 2025

SPJ Region 4 Conference in Cleveland on April 4-5 Offers Google Tools Workshop


BREAKING NEWS! Valuable workshop on Google tools added to SPJ Region 4 Conference April 4-5 in Cleveland

Note: To download a PDF (with clickable links) of this conference flyer, click here.

A popular new workshop, from 3-4 p.m. on Friday, April 4, has been added to the SPJ Region 4 Conference schedule in Cleveland.

Google offers many free and valuable tools for journalists. This training can help you build interactive charts, maps, visualizations and more. This is a hands-on workshop, so be sure to bring your laptop and smartphone. 

SPJ and Google are partners in providing this training to journalists who want to apply the tools in their news gathering, reporting, and storytelling. The program has reached tens of thousands of journalists.

Our trainer is Samantha Sunne, a New Orleans-based freelance journalist, teacher and writer. She specializes in data and investigative reporting and has written a book about data reporting. Read more about Sunne here.

The class will be held at the Levin College of Public Affairs and Education on the campus of Cleveland State University, 1717 Euclid Ave.

Reception and networking event

After the workshop, it’s a short walk to hotels and the 5-7:30 p.m. opening reception and networking event in the newsroom of the award-winning Ideastream Public Media,1375 Euclid Ave., in the historic Playhouse Square district.


Click here

The rates are:

  • Student SPJ member - $55
  • Student non-SPJ member - $65 
  • Professional SPJ member - $85
  • Professional non-SPJ member - $150 

Staying overnight? 

Call the Comfort Inn Downtown, 1800 Euclid Ave., 216-861-0001 and request the special CSU rate. Or, check out the Crowne Plaza Cleveland at Playhouse Square, 1260 Euclid Ave. Call 216-615-3368 and request the special CSU rate.

Arriving early or staying in town after the conference? 

Check out the Destination Cleveland website for things to see and do in Cleveland.

Breakout sessions, keynote speaker and MOE awards 

On Saturday, April 5, all events are hosted at CSU’s Levin College of Public Affairs and Education, 1717 Euclid Ave. Enjoy a daylong series of breakout sessions, lunch with keynote speaker Terry Pluto, and the Mark of Excellence Awards celebration to salute exceptional college journalists.

Student bonus

Give your career a boost! Bring your resume for professional feedback. Network with journalists from Ohio, Michigan, Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia. The conference is open to all.

Need more information?

Check out the conference website, or send an email here.

We thank our sponsors for their generous support!

Friday, March 21, 2025

Deadline Today, March 21 - Greater Cincinnati SPJ - Excellence In Journalism Contest

 Don't miss the deadline! There is still time to recognize your strongest journalistic work of 2024. Gather your best broadcast, visual or written stories to enter into the 2025 Excellence In Journalism Contest sponsored by the Greater Cincinnati Pro Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists. The deadline is today at 11:59 p.m. ET.

Submit your entries by visiting the Better News Contests site, logging in/creating a login and selecting “2025 Greater Cincinnati SPJ Excellence In Journalism.” Visit our website to learn more about the contest rules, categories and more.

Your support allows SPJ to continue to provide meaningful programs in Greater Cincinnati and Greater Dayton that promote truthful, accurate and ethical journalism. If you have any questions, please contact contest chairs Kevin Schultz (kevineschultz@gmail.com) and Tom McKee (tmckee9@yahoo.com).

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Register for SPJ Region 4 Conference on April 4 and 5 in Cleveland


SPJ Region 4 Conference Schedule

Cleveland State University/Levin College

April 4-5, 2025

Friday, April 4

2 p.m. | Registration opens

3-4 p.m. | Google Tools Workshop with Samantha Sunne at Cleveland State University/Levin College

5:00-7:30 p.m. | Opening Reception at Ideastream Public Media; Student / Pro Networking Event. Refreshments provided by Ideastream Public Media

5:00-7:30 p.m. | Visit to Cleveland State University’s Film Studio at CSU; open to all

Saturday, April 5 at Cleveland State University/Levin College

7:30 a.m. | Registration opens

8:30-9:15 a.m. | Continental Breakfast and Conference Kick-Off 

9:15-9:30 a.m. | Welcome & Opening Remarks

  • Cheryl D'Mello, President of Cleveland Pro Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists
  • Ginny McCabe, SPJ Region 4 coordinator and President of Cincinnati Pro Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists
  • Emily Block, National President of the Society of Professional Journalists

All Day | Resume Doctors | Marty Fischhoff and Walter Middlebrook

9:30-10:15 a.m. | Concurrent Sessions 1

·       Panel: The Good and the Ugly About AI in the Newsroom | John Jircik and Maurice  Emelu 

·       Emergence of the New Media | Mark Puente (Marshall Project) and Chris Mosby (The Land)

·       Engaged journalism and covering gun violence | Ideastream

10:30-11:15 a.m. | Concurrent Sessions 2

·       Henry Gomez | Senior National Political Reporter at NBC News

·       Student-Led Reporting | Michigan State students Jack Armstrong and Chloe Trofatter, who have been working on investigative journalism through the nonprofit Eye On Michigan

·       Increasing Online Visibility | Angela Gartner, editor of Northeast Ohio Parent magazine and education journalist at Cleveland State University

11:30-12:15 p.m. | Concurrent Sessions 3

·       Freelancing Opportunities/Pitching Story Ideas | Angela Gartner, editor of Northeast Ohio Parent magazine with Bob Sandrick, freelance writer, Dilon Stewart, Cleveland Magazine, Dave Campbell, and Ginny McCabe freelance writer

·       Front Page to Book Jacket Cover: Tips to Utilize Journalism Skills to Write Fiction and Non-Fiction Books | Cliff Anthony with Marc Bona, Deanna Adams and Pete Chakarian

·       Tips to Overcome Newsroom Jitters | Journalist Walter Middlebrook, foster professor of practice at Penn State's Bellisario Media Center and Patti Newberry, The Cincinnati Enquirer

12:30-2 p.m. | Lunch Keynote Featuring Terry Pluto, Sportswriter and Columnist at Cleveland.com, and author of more than 30 books

2:15-3 p.m. | Concurrent Sessions 4

·       How to Use Journalism Skills in Life | Kaye Spector, Director of Content Marketing at Geisinger and Ben Holbert III, Mayor of the Village of Woodmere, Ohio with Tom Moore, moderator

·       Podcasting | Veteran Podcaster ML Elrick, Soul of Detroit, podcaster Sarah Leach, founder of Ottawa News Network in West Michigan

·       Meteorology as News | 

3:30-4:30 p.m. | Mark of Excellence Awards Celebration

*Note: final schedule is subject to change. Sessions will be held at Cleveland State University/Levin College unless otherwise noted. 

Special thanks to our sponsors! 

Green Eyeshade Awards Celebrate 75 Years

Green Eyeshade Awards Celebrate 75 Years with Expanded Reach & Revamped Categories

The nation’s largest and oldest regional journalism contest, the Green Eyeshade Awards, is officially open for its 75th year, marking a major milestone in recognizing the best journalism across the Southeastern United States.

This year, the contest not only expands to include Virginia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands but also revamps its categories to reflect the evolving media landscape. Among the most significant updates is a renewed focus on public service journalism, ensuring that impactful reporting—across all platforms—is recognized for its ability to inform, raise awareness, and hold institutions accountable.

Spotlight on Public Service Journalism

For the first time, every division now features a Public Service category, highlighting work that goes beyond reporting to create meaningful change in communities. These categories honor journalism that leads to policy shifts, increased public awareness, or tangible improvements in people's lives.

  • Public Service in Written Journalism – Recognizes written journalism that sheds light on critical issues and advocates for change.
  • Public Service in Video/Television Journalism – Honors video projects that raise awareness, hold institutions accountable or amplify underrepresented voices.
  • Public Service in Audio/Radio Journalism – Celebrates impactful storytelling through podcasts, radio, and other audio formats.
  • Public Service in Digital Journalism – Recognizes digital projects that provide a significant public benefit through data, interactivity, or multimedia storytelling.
  • Public Service in Visual Journalism – Highlights photography, graphics, and visual storytelling that bring attention to pressing social issues.
  • Public Service in Student Journalism – Honors student journalists whose reporting has made a meaningful difference on their campus or community.

A Contest That Invests in Journalists

Since 1950, the Green Eyeshade Awards—hosted by Region 3 and Region 12 of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ)—have honored exceptional journalism while ensuring that every dollar after expenses is reinvested into training and programs for journalists. The contest is run entirely by volunteers, including professional judges nationwide.

Expanded Reach and Affordable Entry Fees

For the first time, journalists from Virginia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands are eligible to compete, joining the previous states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and West Virginia.

Entry fees remain unchanged for over a decade:

Standard Entry Deadline: Mon 14 April at midnight

SPJ Members: $40 per entry

Non-Members: $60 per entry

Students: $20 per entry

Late Entry Deadline: Mon 28 April at midnight

SPJ Members: $60 per entry

Non-Members: $80 per entry

Students: $40 per entry

Enter Today

For more information on categories, eligibility, and how to submit, click here.