Tuesday, August 27, 2024

“The Promise and Perils of AI in Election Coverage” - Zoom Program on Sept. 4

Please join the Society of Professional Journalists and its Professional Standards and Ethics Committee for “The Promise and Perils of AI in Election Coverage” panel discussion. Generative artificial intelligence has the potential to be a powerful tool in the upcoming U.S. elections, both to inform and misinform voters. Two journalists with expertise in different areas of generative AI will examine the double-edged sword the technology presents in elections — to help journalists produce more nuanced reporting or to deceive the public with fake but hyper-realistic images, videos and audio. Join Zach Seward, editorial director of AI initiatives for The New York Times, and Loreben Tuquero, a reporter covering misinformation and generative AI for PolitiFact, for this important discussion. The session will be moderated by Eric Wishart, standards and ethics editor and former editor-in-chief of Agence France-Presse. He is the author of “Journalism Ethics: 21 Essentials from Wars to Artificial Intelligence” and teaches journalism at Hong Kong University. 
Wishart also serves on the SPJ Professional Standards and Ethics Committee.