Friday, March 2, 2018

Join Us on March 24 - Cincinnati SPJ's 50th Anniversary Celebration

We invite you to help the Greater Cincinnati Professional Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists celebrate 50 years of excellence.

Join us for a buffet luncheon to mark this occasion
as we look back on how the profession
has evolved and peek into its future.

DATE:  Saturday, March 24, 2018 
TIME:  11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
 --11:00 a.m. - social hour
--12:00 p.m. - lunch 
--12:30 p.m. - program 

LOCATION:  The Phoenix, 812 Race Street, Cincinnati 
KEYNOTE SPEAKER :  Gregory Korte, White House Correspondent, USA Today

Gregory Korte is a White House correspondent for USA TODAY, focusing on executive power and national security in the Trump presidency. He previously covered the Obama White House, Congress, politics, and a half-dozen city halls. He is a native of Cincinnati and graduated from Ohio University. He is a recipient of the Gerald R. Ford Prize for Distinguished Reporting on the Presidency.

COST PER PERSON:  $25.00 prior to March 17, 2018 and $35.00 after that date 

Guests may also RSVP and mail a check, or bring cash or a check with them the day of the event. Make all checks payable to "Society of Professional Journalists."

For those who prefer mail, send a check to:

Tom McKee, Event Coordinator and Region 4 Director
Society of Professional Journalists
1720 Gilbert Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45202