Wednesday, March 14, 2018

USA Today's Gregory Korte will be with us on March 24

We invite you to help the Greater Cincinnati Professional Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists celebrate 50 years of excellence.

Join us for a buffet luncheon to mark this occasion
as we look back on how the profession
has evolved and peek into its future.

DATE:  Saturday, March 24, 2018 
TIME:  11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
 --11:00 a.m. - social hour
--12:00 p.m. - lunch 
--12:30 p.m. - program 

LOCATION:  The Phoenix, 812 Race Street, Cincinnati 
KEYNOTE SPEAKER :  Gregory Korte, White House Correspondent, USA Today

Gregory Korte is a White House correspondent for USA TODAY, focusing on executive power and national security in the Trump presidency. He previously covered the Obama White House, Congress, politics, and a half-dozen city halls. He is a native of Cincinnati and graduated from Ohio University. He is a recipient of the Gerald R. Ford Prize for Distinguished Reporting on the Presidency.

COST PER PERSON:  $25.00 prior to March 17, 2018 and $35.00 after that date 

Guests may also RSVP and mail a check, or bring cash or a check with them the day of the event. Make all checks payable to "Society of Professional Journalists."

For those who prefer mail, send a check to:

Tom McKee, Event Coordinator and Region 4 Director
Society of Professional Journalists
1720 Gilbert Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45202