WVXU is looking for motivated freelance digital writers based in the Cincinnati area to help us expand our coverage into underserved communities (communities of color, LGBTQ+, youth, etc.) across the Tri-State. We are specifically interested in stories that pertain to the arts and culture and environmental beats.
Ideal candidates will:
- Be able to pitch, report and write at least one story a month at a minimum of 500 words
- Look beyond the press release to reveal the true impact of a trend or event
- Be highly organized and dependable, able to consistently meet deadlines
- Be familiar with content management systems
- Enjoy working in a collaborative manner
- Have at least 1-2 years of experience writing for a professional publication or website
Broadcast experience is not required but a plus. If interested contact acrutchfield@wvxu.org. Rate will be commensurate with experience.